Domaine Drouhin Oregon

Our Estate

Poised atop the Dundee Hills, with gentle slopes that capture the breezes and sunshine, our 235-acre estate overlooking the Willamette Valley produces some of the finest Pinot Noir and Chardonnay fruit in the world.

The Vineyards
The Winery
Oregon Team
Family Properties
The Drouhin Family

Estate Vineyards

Poised atop the Dundee Hills, with gentle slopes that capture the breezes and sunshine, our 235-acre estate overlooking the Willamette Valley produces some of the finest Pinot Noir and Chardonnay fruit in the world.

Robert Drouhin’s vision of an Oregon estate winery that could rival the great vineyards of Burgundy has been realized at DDO. From what began as test plantings of cloned Pinot Noir rootstock, Domaine Drouhin now encompasses 130 acres of hillside vineyards. Interspersed with the Pinot Noir vines are 13 acres of Chardonnay, planted at various elevations and, like in Burgundy, planted right alongside rows of Pinot Noir.

Everything planted at DDO is unique to the estate. We also have two large blocks of rootstock planted on the estate, so we can graft the cuttings onto rootstock that we have grown ourselves. We grow and plant rootstocks that we’ve learned are well suited to the specifics of our vineyard sites in terms of site elevation, soil depth, and moisture-holding capacity. In this way we can maintain the highest level of quality control over our plant material.

Our densely planted vines are farmed sustainably, L.I.V.E. certified, and tended to by hand when leaves and fruit are thinned; harvesting is also

done entirely by hand.

Our site was selected for its remarkable similarity in climate, latitude and aspect to the legendary vineyards of Burgundy.

Est. 1989

Landmark Gravity Flow Winery

All of our wines are crafted by hand in our four-level gravity flow winery built atop the Drouhin family’s 235 acre estate in the Dundee Hills of Oregon.

Our goal is to craft wines naturally with gentle treatment and minimal manipulation. It is our hope that our Pinot Noir and Chardonnay will be appreciated for their classic finesse, elegance and for the true reflection of their origin; their terroir.

Once the grapes have reached full maturity with a perfect balance between brix and acid, and fruit and tannin, they are hand-picked into small 25 pound totes, insuring the arrival of pristine, uncrushed fruit at our four-level gravity-flow winery. Everything we do in the winery is intended to preserve the unique qualities that nature provided for us in the vineyards.

Our winemaking techniques are adapted from what the Drouhin family has learned in Burgundy since 1880.

Active fermentations last 7-12 days, during which time the age-old Burgundian techniques of pigeage (punch-down) and remontage (pump-over) are used as means of gentle extraction. Fermentations are long and careful and once complete, the free-run juice is moved via gravity to the third level of our winery, the barrel cellar.

Our Pinot Noir is aged in both new (20%) and neutral French Oak barrels. Barrels are custom made for us in Burgundy, using oak from France’s best forests, which we feel allows the character of the wine and vintage to show through. Once the secondary, malolactic, fermentation is complete, the wines are racked off their lees via gravity and back into barrel.

After 12-14 months in oak, Véronique selects barrels for each of our three cuvée’s and the wines are then blended and allowed to rest for several months before moving to the final level of the winery, our bottle room. At this final stage, the wines again are moved via gravity into bottle and then allowed to mature 6 to 18 months before release.

Our Oregon Team

David Millman, President and CEO of Domaine Drouhuin

David Millman, President & CEO

David Millman joined DDO in 2004 after a 20-year career in the music business, working for several record companies and eventually running his own public relations and marketing firm. In addition to his duties with DDO, David has served as Board President of both the International Pinot Noir Celebration and Oregon Pinot Camp, and is a mentor within the Root Funds and Harrington Foundation programs.  He is active in supporting the Salud Auction, and frequently serves on industry committees.

Arron Bell, Asst. Winemaker & Operations Manager

Arron Bell joined DDO in July of 2002, and was promoted in 2009 to the specially created position of Assistant Winemaker & Operations Manager.  Arron is in charge of production operations, and is responsible for helping Véronique achieve her vision for each vintage.  He also regularly travels on behalf of DDO to talk about the intricacies of the Drouhin style, and what sets our wines apart.

Kateland Harvey, Director of Sales & Marketing

Kateland Harvey is the Director of Sales and Marketing at Domaine Drouhin Oregon, where she has worked since 2019. In this capacity, she oversees the winery’s sales strategies, marketing initiatives, and customer relations. With hands-on winemaking experience from harvests in California, Australia, New Zealand, and Oregon, Kateland brings a unique perspective to her marketing work. Her combination of production knowledge and marketing expertise allows her to effectively promote the wines of Domaine Drouhin and the Dundee Hills region.

Dyane Savino, Domaine Drouhuin team member

Dyane Savino, Wine Club & Shipping Manager

Get to know Dyane..

  1. If you could drink any wine in the DDO cellar, what would it be and why? The 2005 Laurene. I’ve always loved the vintage, and it’s still gorgeous! 
  2. When did you join the DDO team? I started in 2007 as a part-timer and in 2009 full-time. 
  3. What are your top 3 favorite podcasts/books? It’s hard to give just 3: Outlander Series, To Kill a Mockingbird, French Lieutenant’s Woman.

Kayla Arnold, Events & Hospitality Manager

Get to know Kayla…

  1. Do you have any hidden talents most people don’t know about? In college, I worked part time as a blackjack dealer.

  2. How did your childhood prepare you for your job today? I grew up with a profound love of learning and travel, both of which have served me well in the wine industry, as there is so much to learn and experience!

  3. What is your favorite part of working in the wine industry? There is always something new to learn, whether it’s about the winemaking process, the vineyards, another region or producer…there is so much out there to explore and enjoy.

Domaine Drouhuin team member

Josh Bickley, Controller

Get to know Josh…

  1. If you could drink any wine in the DDO cellar, what would it be and why? 2016 Pinot Noir Edition Limitee as this was the year my first daughter was born.
  2. What is your favorite part of working in the wine industry? The people and their passion for creating world-class wines (particularly in the Willamette Valley).
  3. What’s your background? I’m a CPA (Certified Public Accountant) that was previously converted from an outdoor educator.  

Ali Simpson, Bookkeeper

Get to know Ali…

  1. What did you think you would do as a career in elementary school?
    I have always loved storytelling, so I wanted to be an archeologist. My sister even took some of my outdoor toys and buried them around the yard for me to “go on digs”. Then I learned I’d have to deal with spiders and snakes on a regular basis and decided that wasn’t the job for me anymore. Museums and libraries seemed like the safer option to still be able to tell stories!
  2. What is your top “bucket list” item?
    Cage dive with great whites off the coast of South Africa
  3. What’s your background?
    I have a bachelor’s degree in history and a master’s degree in library science. I was a librarian for almost 12 years but fell in love with studying wine during the pandemic. After my first harvest in 2021, I was hooked and left libraries to pursue a career in the wine industry. I completed harvests in 2022 and 2023 and joined the DDO team in 2024!
Megan Davison, Domaine Drouhuin team member

Megan Davison, Information & Logistics Manager

Get to know Megan…

  1. If I were a superhero, what would your superpower be? I would be able to watch an inanimate object’s history from the present moment back to its origin by touching it. As if rewinding a recording that followed the object through its lifetime.
  2. What is your favorite part of working in the wine industry?It’s poetic: It integrates community (wine lovers!), creativity and problem solving (puzzles!), and intrigue (a variety of occupation types). Bonus that it nurtures one’s epicurean side.  
  3. What do you enjoy doing when you are not working?I enjoy adventuring, board games, fantasy novels, and roller derby. 
Maeghan Moss, Domaine Drouhuin team member

Maeghan Moss, Hospitality Coordinator

Get to know Maeghan…

  1. What is your favorite part of working in the wine industry?The best part of working in the wine industry is the wide variety of people you meet. I love connecting with people and talking about life. I have met some incredibly interesting people here at DDO. I wouldn’t change my line of work for anything else! 
  2. Where are you from originally? I was born and raised in Louisiana but moved to Oregon with my family in 1998.  
  3. Cats or Dogs? I’m a dog person through and through. I will most likely greet any dog before their human.  

Ellie Wiley, Digital Marketing Coordinator

Get to know Ellie…

  1. What do you enjoy doing when you are not working? I like to go on adventures, whether it be hiking, skiing, camping, backpacking, boating, you name it and I’ll be there!
  2. What is your favorite quote? “The only normal people are the ones you don’t know very well.” – Alfred Adler
  3. If you could drink any wine in the DDO cellar, what would it be and why? I would definitely go for the 2014 Zéphirine. It may not be the oldest or most rare wine in our cellar, but I have a sweet spot for our Zéphirine Pinot Noir and I’d love to get the chance to taste the inaugural vintage!

Taylor Hickernell, Hospitality Administrative Assistant

Get to know Taylor…

  1. What do you like about working at Domaine Drouhin? Everyone who works here is so kind and genuine. Great camaraderie here!
  2. What do you enjoy doing when you are not working? I enjoy trail running and ultra marathons!
  3. What is your guilty pleasure? Eating a mountain of pancakes while watching cooking shows.

Ben Beletto, Tasting Room Manager

Get to know Ben…

  1. What motivates you to do what you do here? I love working with the people, both those that work here and those that walk through the doors. I love helping build something special and create memories.
  2. What’s your background? I grew up in the Bay Area playing sports, and focused on tennis in my teens. I ended up coaching it collegiately for 19 years.
  3. Your top 3 favorite Podcasts/Books? Against the Odds (Podcast), Revisionist History (Podcast), Broken Record (Podcast). Cat’s Cradle (Kurt Vonnegut)

Joseph Quinn, Tasting Room Supervisor

Get to know Joseph…

  1. If I were a superhero, my superpower would be… immediately identifying the title, artist and release date of every song I hear. I do not know how this would help me fight crime.
  2. If you could drink any wine in the DDO cellar, what would it be and why?
    When I toured the winery as a new hire, I spotted a case of 2009 Joseph Drouhin Chablis Vaudésir in the cellar. I love Chablis, especially great ones with age, and I bet that ’09 is spectacular right now.
  3. Your top 3 favorite Podcasts/Books?
    I only listen to one podcast; it’s called Bandsplain. But each episode discusses a single band or artist for at least 3 hours so I think that counts as my top 3.
Ken Lukhard, Domaine Drouhuin team member

Ken Lukhard, Tasting Room & Trade Liaison

Get to know Ken…

  1. What is the most inspiring part of your job? The most inspiring thing about my job was working with our winemaker, Veronique Drouhin, during my first harvest here in 2021.  
  2. What is your top “bucket list” item? To visit Lanarkshire, Scotland where my family is originally from. 
  3. What did you think you would do as a career in elementary school? When I was five, I was pretty sure I would be Spiderman.  
Victoria Sinclair, Domaine Drouhuin team member

Victoria Sinclair, Experience Specialist

Get to know Victoria…

  1. What do you think you were in a past life? A stunt car driver! If I could learn how to drive like Bond in an Aston Martin without concern for its condition after… that’s the dream!
  2. What’s the most inspiring part of your job? The passion our guests come through the door with, for wine or anything else, getting to meet a person and exchange stories is a wonderful benefit of working in the Tasting Room!

  3. Cats or dogs? Dogs! One of the perks of DDO is our shared love of dogs & wine (in that order!). Monty, the winery dog, brings a lot of joy to the Tasting Room.

Abbey Protis, Domaine Drouhin team member

Abbey Portis, Tasting Room Associate

Get to know Abbey…

  1. What did you think you would do as a career in elementary school? I wanted to be a trapeze artist in the circus and even went to circus camp one summer.
  2. What’s your background? My background/degree is in sports management and did my internship with a professional hockey team. And ended up in the world of hospitality and camping, which in turn led me to the hospitality side of the wine industry. Most recently I spent the last 4 years in production at a cooperage making barrels. 
  3. What is your top “bucket list” item? Travel around Ireland and Scotland and go on a hot air balloon or skydive. 

Alex Burkeen, Tasting Room Associate

Get to know Alex…

  1. What is your favorite part of working in the wine industry?
    My favorite part of working in the wine industry is the endless education experiences and connections you can make. There is always something new to learn and the people I’ve met so far have been so supportive and motivating!
  2. Do you have any hidden talents most people don’t know about?
    I can play the guitar!
  3. What did you think you would do as a career in elementary school?
    when I was in elementary school, I went to the zoo and saw the zookeepers working with the penguins and helping them “fly” and that made me want to be a vet.

Ashley Walters, Tasting Room Associate

Get to know Ashley…

  1. Do you have any hidden talents most people don’t know about? Yes! I love to sing!

  2. What is your favorite part of working in the wine industry? The networking connections I’ve made with the generous and fun people in the Willamette Valley and the delicious wines! 

  3. What are your top 3 favorite Podcasts/Books?
    1. My favorite Podcast is The Armchair Expert by Dax Shepherd and Monica Padman
    2. The Memoirs of A Geisha By Arthur Golden
    3. The Things They Carried By Tim O’Brien 

Mary Sherwin, Tasting Room Associate

Get to know Mary…

  1. How did your childhood prepare you for your job today? I moved around and travelled a lot, so I got to experience a wide variety of cultures from a very early age.
  2. The best piece of advice I’ve ever been given is “A captain gives the order, but the crew sails the ship.”
  3. What is your favorite part of working in the wine industry? There’s a place for everyone. It doesn’t matter where you came from.

Ryan Harvey, Production Manager & Cellar Master

Get to know Ryan…

  1. What is your favorite word in the English language? My favorite word in the English language is defenestrate. (Google it!) I love that people 400 years ago agreed that this action needed its own specific verb. 
  2. What is your favorite part of working in the wine industry? The people! Through the wine industry, I have met people from all over the world who love good food and wine!! 
  3. What did you think you would do as a career in elementary school?I was certain I would be an Artist. I was very fond of drawing as a child. 

Matt McMillin, Facilities Manager

Get to know Matt…

  1. Where are you originally from? I was born in Burbank and raised in a very warm but cool place called Simi Valley. Nestled in a valley 20 minutes from the Pacific Ocean, it was a great place to grow up. 
  2. What is your favorite thing about your career in the wine industry? I have always found great joy in making something that others love. A warm feeling takes over when people from near and far seek out or stumble upon something they enjoy that you had a part in.  
  3. Cats or dogs? I have two dogs and a cat. Our dogs’ names are Raya and Bernadette. Raisin is a mini golden doodle, and Bernie is a Catahoula/Pitbull mix. And our recently adopted cat is named Tobiko.

Joe Terre, Cellar Master | Roserock

Get to know Joe…

Daren Clark, Cellar Lead

Get to know Daren…

Rhianna McCarty, Domaine Drouhuin team member

Rhianna McCarty, Labeling & Packaging Supervisor

Get to know Rhianna…

  1. What is your guilty pleasure? I enjoy watching true crime shows, documentaries, podcasts, and books.
  2. What did you think you would do as a career in elementary school? When I was five, I was pretty sure I would be a veterinarian when I grew up.
  3. What do you like about working at DDO? I like that everyone is kindhearted and easygoing and everyone always treats everyone with respect. I love how the DDO team is like a family. 

Courtney Gephart, Labeling & Packaging Assistant

Get to know Courtney…

  1. Top 3 podcasts/books?
    -A broken blade by Melissa Blair
    -Ladies & Tangents
    -Looking for Alaska by John Green
  2. What is your background?
    My background is psychology, but I have been in the wine industry since 2020.
  3. What did you think you would do as a career in elementary school?
    I thought I would be an equestrian as well as a volunteer firefighter. My backup was a veterinarian.
Jose Gutierrez, Domaine Drouhuin team member

Jose Gutierrez, Vineyard Team

Get to know Jose…

  1. What do you like about working for DDO? I love driving tractors through the vineyards. 
  2. Do you prefer cats or dogs?  Dogs
Domaine Drouhuin team member

Israel Juarez Mendoza, Vineyard Team

Domaine Drouhuin team member

Bruno Panzo, Vineyard Team

Get to know Bruno…

  1. What do you like about working for DDO? I like working at DDO because I learn something new every day in the vineyards.
  2. When did you join the team at Domaine Drouhin Oregon?  I have been a part of this team since 2004! 
  3. Where are you from originally? I’m from Veracruz, Mexico. 
Domaine Drouhuin team member

Roque Rodriguez, Vineyard Team

Cirilo Hernadez-Feria, Domaine Drouhuin team member

Cirilo Hernandez-Feria, Vineyard Team

Get to know Cirilo…

  1. Do you prefer cats or dogs? I prefer cats!
  2. What do you enjoy doing when you are not working? I enjoy going on fishing trips to local rivers.
  3. What is your favorite part of working at Domaine Drouhin?My favorite part of working at DDO is driving the tractors through the vineyards!   
Antelmo De Jesus-Hernandez, Domaine Drouhuin team member

Antelmo DeJesus-Hernandez, Vineyard Team

Domaine Drouhuin canine team member

Montrachet Magnum (aka: Monty), DDO Mascot

Get to know Monty…

  1. Cats or Dogs? Is that a serious question?
  2. What do you enjoy doing when you are not working? I’m passionate about bung chasing, ground squirrel elimination, and am always on the lookout for my next treat.
  3. Where are you from originally? Burgundy Born, Oregon Raised
  4. When did you join DDO? I arrived just in time for the 2016 Harvest, which started on August 30.

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Joseph Drouhin
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Domaine Drouhin Oregon
6750 NE Breyman Orchards Rd, Dayton, OR 97114
(503) 864-2700    Email Us  

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